
Your Child has just had dental surgery under general anesthesia. Every child responds differently to the procedures and anesthesia administered. Please review the following post-operative instructions for some possible occurrences following this procedure.

Nausea and Vomiting
In the event of nausea and/or vomiting following surgery, do not give anything by mouth for at least 30 minutes period. Once nausea subsides, you can begin giving solid foods and the prescribed medicine.

Pain and/  Or Bleeding
Every Child responds to pain differently. Consequently, your child may have some pain or experience no pain at all. If your child does experience pain, you may give your child Children's Tylenol or Children's Motrin to relieve the discomfort and help them feel more comfortable. You may also see a small amount of bleeding and inflammation of the gums due to the dental procedures performed. Therefore, it is normal to have some bleeding for a couple of days after treatment.  Additionally, if your child had extractions during the treatment, you can also expect some
pain and bleeding. However, if your child's mouth starts to bleed excessively please call the office at
(956) 425-7744.

After surgery, it is normal for the body temperature to be slightly elevated for 24 hours. You can give your child
Children's Tylenol or Children's Motrin.

Activity should be restricted to a minimum of 24 hours. Strenuous work or exercise may promote bleeding. Your child may also feel drowsy after the procedure. Make sure to observe your child at home.

Pain in Throat
Your child may also experience some pain or discomfort in their throat. This is a result of a procedure that is performed in order to administer the anesthesia during the procedure.

Post- Op follow- up
Your child will return to the office a week from the date of surgery. If you have any questions, please call the office at (956) 425-7744. In case of an emergency, take your child to the nearest emergency room.


  1. DO NOT RINSE MOUTH TODAY. Tomorrow. rinse mouth gently every 3 to 4 hours (especially after meals) using Of1EH1Uarter tea­ spoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Continue rinses for several days.
  2. BLEEDING.  Following extractions, some bleeding is to be expected.  If persistent bleeding occurs place gauze pads over bleeding area and bite down firmly for one-half hour. Repeat if necessary.
  3. SWELLING. Ice bag or a cold moist cloth should periodical­ ly be applied to the operated area. Your dentist may give you specific instructions on how long and how often to use a cold compress.
  4. PAIN. For mild to average pain. use any non-aspirin type of medication you like.
  5. FOOD. A light diet is advisable during the first 24 hours.
  6. BONY EDGES. Small sharp bone fragments may work up through the  gums during healing. These are not  roots;  if annoying, return to this office for their simple removal.
  7. If any unusual symptoms occur. call the office at once.
  8. The proper care following oral surgical procedures will has­ten recovery and prevent complications.



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