
Tongue & Lip Tie Treatments in Harlingen

It's easy to take for granted how much of an impact your tongue and lip mobility have on your oral health and function. If a tongue or lip tie is impacting you or your child, our seasoned dentist at Tooth Dental Center can help. We offer laser lip tie and tongue tie treatments to patients of all ages, from infants to adults.

Our team combines innovative technology with years of experience to deliver personalized and effective care. We use tongue and lip tie treatments to improve oral function and promote better speech, eating, and overall quality of life. You can count on our team to answer your questions honestly and ensure you feel comfortable with the care you or your child receives. Schedule your consultation with our skilled and compassionate dentist today!


What Is a Tongue or Lip Tie?

Your tongue and lips are connected to the mouth by a bit of tissue called the frenum. If the frenum is too short or too thick, it can limit the range of motion for your tongue or lips. This can affect speech development and eating ability and can even make it difficult for infants to breastfeed.

Treatment for a tongue or lip tie can vary depending on the nature and severity of the tie. Tongue exercises and speech therapy may improve mobility, and lactation training may help in the case of infants who have trouble breastfeeding. A more advanced treatment that offers permanent results is a frenectomy, a surgical procedure used to loosen the frenum and allow greater freedom of movement. This procedure is often done by dentists and oral surgeons and is one of the many treatments performed in modern laser dentistry.

Our Lip Tie and Tongue Tie Treatment

At Tooth Dental Center, we offer frenectomies to address lip and tongue ties in infants, children, and adults. Our experienced dentist can tailor treatment to meet your unique needs and make the procedure safe and comfortable for you with our laser frenectomy.

Our first step is determining whether a tongue or lip tie is present and whether surgical intervention is needed. We perform a thorough exam to evaluate tongue and lip movement and observe the impact of the frenum. If range of motion and oral function are impeded, we'll discuss the details and benefits of surgery and answer all your questions so you can make an informed decision.

Once the surgery is decided, our dentist will use a dental laser to trim back the frenum tissue. The procedure is a quick outpatient treatment that can be performed in a single visit. After the area has healed, you'll achieve a greater range of motion and improved function in the tongue or lips.

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

We use a dental soft tissue laser when performing frenectomies because of the numerous advantages it offers for treatment effectiveness and the patient experience. Some of the benefits you can expect from a laser frenectomy include:

More Precision: The laser offers pinpoint accuracy that reduces the impact on surrounding tissue and allows the dentist to target a smaller area. It also offers a better view for the dentist since the laser can work at a distance, unlike traditional tools.

Greater Comfort: Since lasers don't physically touch the tissue like traditional tools, they are much more comfortable for the patient. Lasers don't make noise or produce vibrations, and they aren't painful, so it's easier for young children or people with dental anxiety to get the quality care they need.

Improved Healing: Dental lasers work by eliminating tissue in a single spot, cauterizing as they go. This means little to no bleeding and no need for stitches, which also reduces the time it takes to heal after treatment.

Shorter Treatment Times: Since the dental laser is more precise, more comfortable, and reduces the aftercare needed, the time needed to perform the treatment is much shorter than traditional methods.

Our dentist is specially trained in using a dental laser during a frenectomy. You won't need to visit a specialist for treatment, as we can quickly and effectively provide you with the care you need from a team you trust.

Signs of a Lip Tie or Tongue Tie

A lip or tongue tie can be subtle, and many people don't know to look for it. It's common for people to learn they or their child have one during a dental exam. However, there are signs you can look for at home that may indicate a potential tongue or lip tie, such as:

  • Inability to stick out your tongue past your lips
  • Difficulty touching the roof of the mouth with the tip of the tongue
  • Difficulty for an infant to latch when breastfeeding
  • Breastfeeding causing an infant to get tired quickly
  • Trouble making certain speech sounds due to limited tongue movement
  • Mumbling when speaking
  • Speech delays
  • Picky eating, particularly with meat

If you experience any of these symptoms or notice them in your child, it's important to bring them up with a dentist. Our dentist will listen to your concerns and perform a full exam to determine whether a tongue or lip tie could be the cause.

Experienced Tongue Tie & Lip Tie Treatment in Harlingen

Dealing with a tongue or lip tie doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle. With our laser frenectomy services at Tooth Dental Center, you or your child can overcome these challenges, speak and eat more easily, and enjoy a better quality of life. If you'd like to learn more about our lip and tongue tie treatment, schedule a consultation with our friendly and caring team today!



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